30 июня 2015, 21:01

Это'О сообщил о подписании контракта с "Антальяспором"

Дмитрий КОТОВ
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Экс-нападающий "Анжи" Самюэль Это'О на своей странице в Instagram сообщил о подписании контракта с "Антальяспором". Соглашение 34-летнего камерунца с турецким клубом рассчитано на три года. Напомним, что вчера экс-форвард "Барселоны" и "Челси" расторг контракт с "Сампдорией".



This picture was taken at Antalya Airport last Thursday night, with the Club representatives and the agents who made this opportunity possible. I am proud to announce that I have signed a 3-year contract with Antalyaspor. Before making my decision, I went there to visit, and the team, the city made me realize that, even at my age, I could keep on dreaming, dreaming of a new challenge, a beautiful one. The new project, new stadium, new players, along with the new philosophy of the team (shared with me), will certainly change the football background in this magnificent country that is Turkey. A challenge's worth is only relative to how ambitious one is and the personal value that you attach to it. In bringing Barcelona or Inter to winning the Champions League and maybe Antalyaspor to win the Turkish League, my ultimate satisfaction will always be to make a dream come true by adding my modest contribution. I’m now impatient to return to Antalya on the 7th of July to meet with the great fans of Antalyaspor. Thank you very much to all my fans for the continuous support! SEF

Фото опубликовано Samuel Eto'o (@setoo9) Июн 30 2015 в 8:58 PDT


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