3 декабря 2001, 15:23

Judo Mikhailin got ill and could not gain revenge from Tmenov

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The 10th Russian Judo Championship finished with the heavyweight fights today. The public haven't seen the fight of the strongest judoists - twice world champion Alexander Mikhailin (Moscow) and three times European championship prize-winner Tamerlan Tmenov (Vladikavkaz), whose fight was so bright in the Moscow Grand Prix finals, SE-Internet correspondent Boris TITOV reports.

In October the captain of the Russian team Tmenov won the prize. The fans were waiting for the revenge fight, but Alexander caught a cold and couldn't participate in the fight. The championship was left intrigueless. Tamerlan won all the fights including the final one with Andrey Mizonov (Moscow) ahead of schedule.

Among women as it was planned for the golden medal were contesting two strongest Russian heavyweight judoists Irina Rodina (Perm) and Tea Donguzashwili (St. Petersburg). The latter turned out to be the strongest one.

In the team's result the first place won Ural and West Siberia national team, Siberian judoists were the second. Moscow is the third again.


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