16 февраля 2016, 14:31

Кэйхилл расторг контракт с китайским клубом

Андрей Сизякин
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Бывший полузащитник сборной Австралии Тим Кэйхилл в Instagram объявил об уходе из клуба китайской суперлиги "Шанхай Шэньхуа". 34-летний футболист сообщил о расторжении контракта по согласию двух сторон, а причиной такого решения назвал нового тренера клуба Грегорио Мансано, в планы которого Кэйхилл не входил.

Отметим, что в текущее трансферное окно "Шанхай Шэньхуа" приобрел футболистов Фредди Гуарина ("Интер") и Обафеми Мартинса ("Сиэтл Саундерс").



I'm very sorry to announce that I have reached an agreement with Shanghai Shenhua to terminate my contract after being told that I'm not part of the new coach Manzano's plans for the 2016 season having only just signed a new contract in November. This is very sad especially after what I feel I have helped to build in Shanghai Shenhua on and off the park. Just thinking about saying goodbye to my team-mates and especially the amazing fans is heartbreaking. Regardless of whether my contract is being honored and paid out in full, I would much rather have seen it out and finished what we started. I will always think about what could have been for us as a club in 2016.  I will be able to share more information in the next 48 hours once the final details have been completed. Next chapter coming very soon! I would like to thank the amazing Shenhua supporters, the Chinese staff members and all my teammates for your amazing support; you will all be remembered by my family and myself. I would also like to thank my Chinese partner SECA for their continued support in my career. ??????????????,???????????(?????)????????,???????????????????????????,????????????????????2016????????? ?????????,???????????????,??,??????????????????????????????????????,???????? ???????????????????????????????,???????,?????????????11???????????,?????????????,???????????????,?????????2016????????——??????????????????? ?????48???,????????????,??,??????????? ??????,???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????,????????????????????

Фото опубликовано Tim Cahill (@tim_cahill) Фев 16 2016 в 1:16 PST

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